Most of us have experienced the new phenomenon of getting a phone call from the bank or other important businesses and having trouble understanding because the operator is a foreigner speaking English as a second language. Even worse than the poor communication is the fact that more and more American jobs are going overseas.
Cousin Ron emailed me this morning, happy to report that requesting an American phone representative was my right by law! What wonderful news, our politicians are finally taking steps to protect our jobs. Then I checked the Internet to confirm this wonderful tidbit. Oh no, "say it ain't so Joe!" Apparently our politicians, in a rush to protect corporate America, have waffled again and refused to protect American jobs. Evidently, a bill containing this language, was introduced, but not acted upon. Again and again, the politicians have failed to represent the American worker and we are indeed a nation of the corporation, by the corporation, for the corporation and President Lincoln's patriotic words ring hollow.
In support of business, some of the companies operating overseas have a voluntary policy to redirect you to an American operator at your request. So, by all means do so, it may save a few jobs. American jobs will never again return home so long as our political representatives refuse to represent the people. Corporate money is where it's at and where it will stay, unless we do something about it, unless we demand campaign and lobby reform that takes the corporate money out of politics.
Hello, India calling...
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