Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Beautiful Carolina Coast - Poetry

Miles of waves crashing on the beautiful Carolina Coast
The cry of the gull and the wind in your hair
Then something inside you reaches out
And grabs hold of all that good stuff.

When that happens
You have the Carolina Coast in your blood
And you come back, you come back, you come back.

Imagine those early explorers in their great sailing ships
Months on the open sea, boredom, bad food, bad water and then
To step out onto those glorious Carolina beaches
And they come back, they come back, they come back.

Now all of us share the same public beaches
We leave our tracks in the sand without race, color or creed
Just a bunch of people having fun at the beach.

I can see the right of it, I can see the wrong of it
But one thing I’ll always know is
I come back, I come back, I come back
To the beautiful Carolina coast.

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