In the bad old days, corporations paid very high taxes, and frankly, they were paying their own way. Now, with lowered tax rates, loopholes and off shoring, they have become America's new welfare queens and are sucking us dry. There are literally thousands, maybe millions of ways they dupe tax payers. First, they own the media and politicians who constantly search for issues that will distract and divide Americans. Remember Terry Schiavo unplugged, the mosque at ground zero, the Acorn pimp film, and President Obama's birth certificate. These are certainly things to think about, but they are used to distract and divide while digging deep in the taxpayers' pocket.
Did you ever wonder why we spend so much money on foreign aid while our nation is in crisis? Foreign aid is never just handed out, there are many stipulations regarding how and where the money is spent. Politicians designate which companies will provide the services and products in the foreign aid packages and there goes our money, right into the pockets of corporations. It used to be, corporations provided jobs and paid taxes in America thus stimulating our economy. Corporations are getting trillions of dollars while providing fewer jobs and fewer tax dollars. While we are distracted and divided, all you can hear is a great big sucking sound.
What about the military industrial complex, with the cost of a cruise missile delivered to target at well over a million dollars a shot. During the first days of the Libya crisis, 110 cruise missiles were fired. Did you ever consider the cost of protecting corporate shipping, or the cost of building and maintaining ports for the corporations who use them? How about tax payers building super domes for billionaire team owners and millionaire players. Taxpayers building hospitals for corporations who make trillions of dollars off them. Nuclear energy is the most expensive way of producing electricity known to man, so why the big push for nuclear? They would like the taxpayer to build, maintain and cleanup while the corporations laugh all the way to the bank. One could write for weeks, or even years, regarding the ways that corporations take our tax dollars without providing meaningful return on taxpayer investment, but I think you get the point.
The real welfare queens are not single moms living in the projects. They are giant international corporations lined up at the public trough stealing our tax dollars. Prior to 1980, America prospered because most corporations provided quality American jobs while paying significant taxes on their profits. There are some corporations who still provide quality American jobs and pay a lot of taxes. These companies should be getting our tax dollars not the international corporations who have abandoned our nation. America's taxpayers deserve a fair return on their tax dollar investments that make corporate profits possible. The people need to rise up and demand that they be fairly represented by their politicians. Campaign, lobby and labor law reform are key issues needed to make the changes needed, so get out there and carry a sign, get out there and walk, let's change things.
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