Monday, May 9, 2011

Precious Review

The Lucky Birth Club
A while back, I bought the movie Precious and left it at my daughter's house. Soon I forgot that I had even bought it, until last Sunday, when I saw it on top her television. I made some popcorn, fixed a drink and sat down to watch it. That's about the last I remember... suddenly, the movie was over and all I could say was wow!

Thank God for my lucky circumstance of birth, I was born into a life where my parents loved and supported me. I grew up knowing that I was smart and capable, that I was here on this good earth to make it a better place for my family, friends and community. My lucky circumstance at birth allowed a modicum of control over my life and what happened to me. I am truly blessed!

As a society, we tend to blame the less fortunate for being lazy, stupid, or just plain no good. Yet, their only crime is the situation into which they were born, into which they had no control. It's not pretty, it's not nice, but these people deserve our love and compassion. They desperately need education and the support services that will help break the cycle of tragedy. We need to fight fewer wars, quit giving corporate welfare and we'll have plenty of money to provide the social services that so many Americans desperately need.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wild Women of Tulip Festival

One fine spring day, I noticed Kevin Paul was working in his shed, so I stopped by to visit.  It was Tulip Festival and there were a lot of tourists in town.  In fact, there were two of them that had stopped by Kevin’s place.  I stepped into his shed and my eyes popped out of my head.  Now my momma taught me not to stare, but I couldn’t help myself, I stared and then I stared some more!
The two ladies who had stopped by Kevin’s had their heads shaved with blue and white swirls tattooed on their naked scalps.  They were wearing bibbed farmer overalls, on their arms were barbwire and naked lady tattoos, and they were sitting there carving.  Seeing them with razor sharp carving knives had me a little alarmed and I whispered in Kevin’s ear, “You gave them knives?”
Kevin, got a great big smile and whispered, “They wanted my chainsaw.”  After I realized it wasn’t going to be a chainsaw massacre, I settled down and realized that these two ladies weren’t so bad, and all they really wanted to do was buy a couple of carving knives from Kevin.